Will you still love us tomorrow?
Its been an interesting few weeks.
Everyday life is different. People have gone mad for loo roll. We have got used to queuing hours in line just to get into the supermarket and many of us have focused our attention on what is most important in life; family. We at BG have shut, then opened again on the advice of SIBA and then suddenly our our online bottle-shop exploded. Lots of local people came out in support of us. Customers who once were lost were found and ordering.

We are not taking this for granted through. We are taking each week as it comes hoping that people continue to support us. At the end of last year we planned to review whether we continued this part of our business as the supermarkets had muscled in and while we had a very loyal core following, we just weren't sure it was people wanted. Cash flow is the biggest issue. To sell beer, you have to buy it first and then hope it sells to buy more. As a virtual shop we rely on people supporting local and using us as opposed to popping down to Tesco. We always try to keep our prices fair and only stock what we would love to drink. Because of those principles we have never made lots of money but it has made us lots of friends and allowed us to further a passion and interest which never bores us.
Our little business though is not the only small business in Northamptonshire that has had to adapt and start delivering to homes. Take a look at the pic inserted compiled by Northamptonshire Surprise. Its been great to see so many business owners come out fighting. It amazes us that the vast majority of people are still concerned about whether the shelves will be bare in their local Sainsburys when only around the corner they have a small local business willing and able to deliver. So my question is when COVID19 is beaten and it will be beaten, will YOU still love us tomorrow?
Laura x